Level 3 Assignment change due in Aug

I have so far completed first 3 units in Level 3 course.
I'm still not impressed that unit 4 has more questions than first 3 units put together.

Therefore I don't think I can finish it by the end of June or July.

 I want to be working on my Unit 4 so that I can complete my course in time however I'm worried about the upcoming

change in brief. I don't want to spend 2 months on assignment if it's going to change drastically and I will have to do it all again.

Can anyone advice how different will the new brief be? I don't like the idea of wasting 1.5 months now waiting. 

  • Hi Michaela, the core unit assessment briefs will be refreshed, but I think the nature and content of the briefs will not change. However, there could be added clarifications for some of the ACs. That said, you still have time and can finish the units before the changes are effected.
  • In reply to Mike:

    Thank you for your response Mike.
    I think I will carry on working on the assignment and hope changes will not affect the brief too much.
    My provided has given deadline for 1st draft end of June, and completed by end of July.
    With the amount of work involved in Unit 4 I will not be able to meet that deadline.

  • In reply to Michaela:

    Okay, continue working on it.
    all the best!