3O02 Task 2 issues related to length of service in leavers data.

Hello Folks. 

I am currently writing about the issues the leavers data highlights. 

I had no problem talking about the first issue but I am really struggling to talk about the average length of service in the teams and what the potential issue and solution is.

I've been looking at lots of articles linked to what the length of service presents but I feel like I'm getting no where. 

Is anyone else having the same problem interrupting the data? 

  • Hi Emma, I'm the same, managed the first issue no problem but have been asked to look at the data again to provide another factual evidence based conclusion on what the data shows. Its the only criteria I haven't passed and it has me stumped.
  • In reply to Joanne:

    What does the data suggest?
  • In reply to Steven :

    I'm struggling with the same thing as Emma. Interpreting what the data is suggesting about the average length of service in the teams and what the issue / solution is.
  • In reply to Joanne:

    With any data set, the questions you can ask are:

    What is the average, is this a large number, is it significant and why?
    What is the range/variance, is this significant?
    Are there any patterns or trends?
    Are there any outliers, if so what happened and is this skewing the data?
  • In reply to Steven :

    Thank you Steven, I'll look at it at home tonight so I can concentrate on it better and give this a go.
  • In reply to Joanne:

    Good luck
  • In reply to Joanne:

    Hi Joanne. Since I've posted on here, I have managed to write about 2nd issue and a solution based on the length of service data. I looked at the teams with the shortest average length of service and what was the main reason for employees leaving in these teams from the original leavers data.
    I submitted assessment but some of my average length of service calculations were incorrect but the assessor did not comment on any of my issues and solutions I presented which makes me think I must in the right area.