People Management Level 5

Dear All

I am Senthil with over 18 years in global HR policy management served across the globe, now last 24 months working as HR manager and planning to do CIPD in pure online mode on my own sponsorships and need few inputs from experts.

0. Please suggest Level 5 or Level 7 suitable to my expertise. 

1. Which are all best genuinely rated learning centers available in UK to take up the CIPE course.

2. What is the duration required to complete the course generally?  Any Fast tracking ways to complete less that 6 months?

4. What will be the cost of the course?

5.  Consider a scenario, Upon the completion of CIPD Level 5, I am contemplating the pursuit of CIPD Level 7. I am seeking to understand if there are any advantages in terms of course duration, fees or other considerations for completing Level 7, or if it necessitates starting Level 7 from the beginning in terms of everything. Basically, we need to understand whether Level3,5,7 are integrated or stand-alone courses.





  • Dear All

    Any suggestion or update



  • Hi Senthil - I'm very happy to talk you through your questions if that would help - a bit difficult to answer in detail here. We are a CIPD centre but we are happy to advise prospective CIPD students whatever study centre you want to go with. Jackie :)
  • In reply to Senthil:

    0. Take a look at the CIPD's experience assessment and complete the questionnaire as that will help you to decide.
    1. All the centres deliver the same qualifications and are moderated by the CIPD so choose what suits you best according to your needs - they all deliver slightly differently - eg online, live online, live online with support, face to face etc
    2. Duration - Level 5 we say 10 to 24 months. Level 7 we say 18 to 36 months. That's on a timetabled supported virtual classroom approach. Fasttracking yes if you have the time to do it.
    4. Cost - varies across providers depending on the support package you choose - ie minimal to 121 coaching and formative development. Take a look at the CIPD site which quotes ranges and also shows the value and increased earnings potential from their research.
    5. Level 3, 5 and 7 are standalone courses but designed as building blocks. Take a look at the CIPD Profession Map to see how it works.

    Lots of information on the CIPD site here: www.cipd.org/.../

    Good luck.
  • In reply to Ahead:

    Hello Jackie

    Thanks for the update. I am in touch with few vendors and i am in selection procedure. This is a self sponsored study and i am going for EMI as well for 18 months.

    I would like to shoot next set of questions

    1. Since you mentioned it will be 10 to 24 months is time required for completion on tentative basis. if i stuck up in my work and unable to spend time in the course due to my HR activity deadlines, is it possible to pause for few weeks or a month and later i can resume.

    2. Incase if i am free and spending more time on daily full time basis , will it be possible to complete the course less than 10 months or around 6 months?

    3. Since, it is a self funded enrollment and personal, do i need to be in a job through the course duration?




  • In reply to Senthil:

    Hi Senthil

    Avoid ICS Learn.

    There's quite a few Facebook groups for CIPD courses and i would advise you join and search for 'ICS' and read about people's experiences.

    Please also look at 1 and 2 star Tripadvisor reviews of ICS Learn. The 4 and 5 star reviews are positive but are not valid as they are written by people who have merely signed up to do a course with them (ICS ask people who have signed up to write a Tripadvisor review) but the 1 and 2 star reviews are written by people who are actually have experience of doing courses with them.

    I would advise deciding on a provider based on what other students think of them and not what the provider says to you, given courses will say things just to get you to sign up. The problem is that it it takes more than 14 days to realise that courses are poor (as you need to go through the course content, have experience of contact with tutors, receive assignment feedback etc) and you cannot get a full refund after 14 days (even when the course is not providing what it is meant to).

    Wishing you well with your studies.
  • In reply to Senthil:

    Hello All

    I would like to shoot next set of questions

    1. Since you mentioned it will be 10 to 24 months is time required for completion on tentative basis. if i stuck up in my work and unable to spend time in the course due to my HR activity deadlines, is it possible to pause for few weeks or a month and later i can resume.

    2. Incase if i am free and spending more time on daily full time basis , will it be possible to complete the course less than 10 months or around 6 months?

    3. Since, it is a self funded enrollment and personal, do i need to be in a job through the course duration?

    Please advise.

