Postgraduate fees - better for employer to pay or fund yourself?

Hi All,

I am due to begin MA in Global Human Resource Management CIPD Accredited in January 2024 part time, over 2 years.  I will still be working full time, currently in a Finance role.  My question is what are the advantages and disadvantages if my employers funded my full postgrad fees?

I am in a slight dilemma, if I was to seek employment elsewhere to enable myself to gain HR skills, experience & exposure, it would be extremely difficult & would my employers ask for fees paid back to them if I decided to leave mid way?

My plan is to stay at my current role and internally move across to HR if a vacancy became available.  Again I do not want to be wasting my efforts if at the end of my course I am still in my finance job role. 

I would prefer to be part of a HR department perhaps by mid next year so that I can fully utilise my degree.  Any advise would be most welcome.  (I have also been accepted for student finance - full fees if I wanted to go down this route)

Thank you.

  • Dear Manjinder

    Thank you very much for reaching out. I would suggest that you speak to your employer regarding the ramifications of them paying your tuition fees. Some organisations will require you to stay with them for a certain period of time in order to see a return on their investment, which is understandable.

    You may want to explore whether there is scope for you to be placed in your current employer's HR team, meaning you could take them up on their offer to pay your fees as you may be more likely to stay with the organisation.

    I hope this helps,
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    3 Nov, 2023 08:13

    In reply to Silvio Hofmann:


  • Personally if they are willing I would get them to pay them

    At worse you will have to pay them back if you leave early (but then you would be no worse off than paying them upfront). But at best by them paying they are investing in this career choice and may well make more opportunities available to you
  • In reply to Keith:

    Equally, if you know that you may have to pay them back, it would be worth saving the money that you would otherwise be contributing on a monthly basis, so that you have a cushion to use if you are in the situation in the future. It would be a real shame to feel tied to a job because of the financial consequences of making the right career move.
  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Hi Nina, thank you for your reply and advice. That was my main worry being tied down to my current job role just because they are paying my fees. Although I would much prefer to move internally from Finance to HR dept if a vacancy did arise. I have decided to go down the SF route, knowing I could move on if an opportunity came by, & with no relations break downs with current employers/good reference etc!
  • In reply to Silvio Hofmann:

    Thank you Silvio, very helpful advise.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thank you Keith, very helpful :-)
  • In reply to manjinder:

    are you staying within finance as this is where you want to be or because it is convenient in the short-medium term? Not a criticism, just curious.