Breaking into Employee Experience

Hi Everyone,

I find myself in a bit of a rut; my current role as a Line Manager in FE Administration involves organising Learning Coaches' timetables to support high needs students in mainstream courses and organising support for said students in Mocks/main exams. 

Whilst this role is varied and draws upon some CIPD learning behaviours (Situational Decision Making, Insights Focused, Working Inclusively), I pretty much spend my time firefighting rather than working strategically/taking a step back to look at how my role impacts those intra/interdepartmentally. I've done some work/personality assessments and the most accurate (uncannily so) points my strengths toward advising others - problem-solving/'decoding', building (client) relationships, advocating for/coaching colleagues. 

Having looked at these results I keep coming back to Employee Experience/Engagement; is there a recommended way to take my current context and leverage it to progress into this field? I have a CIPD Level 5 in L&D and feel that I'm not using it effectively enough.

I'm 44 and have a chequered background (predominantly corporate/adult education - third sector/qualitative research), but I always come back to advocating for/leading others).

Could anyone advise as to whether Employee Experience/Engagement would be a good place for my interests/skills set? Are they both one and the same area (engagement/experience)?

All ideas welcomed - thanks.

  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    4 Jul, 2023 12:50

    Hi Davinia thanks for posting sounds like you have some really great experience and a clear idea of where your strengths and interests lie. Hopefully some Community members will be along soon to share their thoughts and guidance for you.
  • In reply to Johanna:

    Hi Johanna - thanks for your comment; it's good to get different perspectives where I can
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    4 Jul, 2023 15:44

    In reply to Davinia:

    Have you also looked into the field of internal comms as there is definitely cross over with roles getting involved with employee engagement. You can also use the CIPD members' career hub for exclusive support: www.cipd.org/.../

  • In reply to Johanna:

    I'll definitely take a look at this - good idea. I'm also putting the feelers out on LinkedIn and have had chats with some of my contacts as to roles/sectors that would match my interests/skills
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    4 Jul, 2023 15:54

    In reply to Davinia:

    yes follow conversations on linkedin around the areas you're interested in, it's a good way to see what the current issues are and who is working in that field. There are also dedicated groups you can join etc.