
Hi there,

I'm not sure if this is the right forum, however I don't currently have access to the others and I am looking for some advice.

I have been working for a company for 17 months and have been told my role is to merge with another role and therefore no longer available. A change in terms and

conditions letter has been sent to me where the pay has increased marginally but nowhere near enough to do the two jobs.

It is only today that my boss has stated in an email that my post is no longer there.

Given that the merged role isn't really right for me and that I have been at the company for less than two years, is it worth giving notice which is 3 months and guarantee myself that pay, or can they officially make me redundant after I resign?

I'm not sure what to do...

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Cara,
    I'm sorry to hear you are having some trouble at work at the moment.

    Breaking this down, less than 2 year's service does lessen the risk to your organisation in terms of dealing with matters such as this correctly. I'm assuming that when you state that your role has merged with another and is therefore no longer available, that the majority of the duties associated with your new role are different to the ones before? Not that that makes much difference I suppose, but would be good for context to help.

    In terms of whether you should resign, that is entirely your decision and in terms of whether the company can make you redundant after you resign, they of course can, although I see no apparent logic in doing so, and they will still need to serve you notice in any case.

    What is your summary concern regarding this issue?
  • Have you talked to your Boss telling him that you want more money or that regardless the role isn't really for you? Often there is room to negotiate.

    If both sides have reciprocal three months notice then it doesn't really matter who pulls the trigger.
  • In reply to Keith:

    I have told them that what they have offered is below what I am willing to accept but they have said the best they can do is review it in six months time, knowing how the business works there won't any additional increase. The whole thing has just become quite stressful for me , I am already doing some of the work and there is far too much for one person.
  • In reply to Mark:

    I was a bit confused about the statutory notice period and if my contractual notice applied even if I was made redundant. I think I understand now. Thank you!