Why are you suitable for the position?


When I am filling in the job application form, which of the following is the better/ best way to answer the part on suitability that requires describing any experience and skills gained in other jobs or similar environments? 

A) Copy and paste the person specification into the suitability section - answer each criterion in bullet point with an example in STAR format 

B) Write a personal statement with several paragraphs to address the criteria - use one example to demonstrate two or more more criteria 

C) Others- please suggest 

Would it be different depending on the industry?

Your advice would be appreciated, thanks in advance. 

  • I like A but B would work.
    It is about selling yourself so you get an interview
  • I agree, both would work. But I would concentrate more on your relative industry experience you have to offer over personality traits and the more evidence of success, postive outcomes and acheivement in your career the better. Absolutely use STAR to demostrate your Candidate proposition - focussing more on the R. This can provide you with a real point of differential, over the crowd and help distinguish your profile over others. And go al long way towards answering the question why the Hirer should employ you over the others. Good luck !
  • Personally I would go for B. A risks being very long and dense (even with bullets) and you will lose the shift'er. As Peters says the point is to get an interview - target everything on making the person reading your application lifes easier.
  • It does vary depending on industry (some public sector organisations for example like a bullet point ticking approach so A would work better), but I always prefer B. A good personal statement demonstrates that someone has an ability to write, synthesise and summarise information, rather than just throwing the kitchen sink at their application. Ideally good candidates will tailor it to the role, rather than just having a basic statement that gets trotted out for every application.
  • In reply to Peter Stanway:

    Thanks Peter, exactly I always remind myself that the purpose is to get an interview. Thus I wonder whether option A could get over- detailed or option B would be relatively less effective.
  • In reply to Ginnie:

    Thanks Ginnie, I have always thought that whilst using the STAR format, the focus would be A. Yet I shall now pay more attention on R following your advice.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thanks Keith, that has really resolved my concern!
  • In reply to Lesley:

    Thanks Lesley, that's extremely helpful!