Hi Everyone,
I am currently employed in the Army and have been within the Administrator roles of various guises for the last 16 years. I would see us as more Administrators Plus that full on HR but I am sitting at Middle Management level.
I completed my CIPD Associate Level 5 distance learning and to be fair I would not have done it this way if I knew how bad the company in questions was. I have just spent some time with the Ministry of Defence HR staff which was excellent for an overview of how civilian HR really works. I also spent 3 weeks with another company in the Industry Sector but did not enjoy that as much.
I am really keen to use my qualifications when seeking employment after leaving the Service in July 2016 however I am a little confused about where I should be pitching my CV's and experience. My current qualification says I am an HR Manager. but a number of job advert place that in the Business Partner level which I know I am not qualified to go directly into.
Any advice would be really helpful because I am hoping to apply for roles but am confused where I sit in the HR world.
Thanks ever so much.