Could anyone offer me some CV feedback, please?

Would this be the right forum to post a CV (to have some feedback on it) or should I post the CV in the 'careers clinic' instead.

Sorry for asking, but am not sure which one would be best (it is about tailoring my CV to HR roles specifically).


  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    8 Nov, 2021 17:34

    Hi Jack, welcome to the Community, there isn't a particular group to ask fellow Community members to take a look at your CV, that would be a voluntary offer from someone if they wanted to help you out, however our Community members are a very helpful bunch and you might get multiple offers! The Careers Clinic could be a better home for it - I'll flag to Steve B, Community Manager
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    8 Nov, 2021 19:54

    Hi Jack,

    I've 'moved' your post to a more appropriate group (as suggested by Johanna). There are members who offer support if they have the time.
  • Hi Steve, I would like some support to prepare for an interview in HR. I've been out of the arena for over 15 years. Which group should I join for that support? Thanks Jennie.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    9 Nov, 2021 09:35

    In reply to Jennie Marie McClymont:

    Hi Jennie... and welcome to the Community. Just start a new thread here. Do search the forums for previous discussions about interview tips, too.

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve, Thanks for getting back to me. I am pleased to say I have been offered the job after my first HR Advisor interview. I am so excited to be making plans to return to the world of HR. I'll start up a new thread shortly. Take care. Jennie.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    23 Nov, 2021 12:18

    In reply to Jennie Marie McClymont:

    That's great news, Jennie Marie McClymont
  • Thanks for the advice.

    I have uploaded a copy of my CV to this post and would be grateful for any feedback that can be offered.

    Jack D Curriculum Vitae CIPD UPLOAD.docx


  • Hi Jack, not sure if you received any advice on your CV but I just had a quick read through and my thoughts are that you should focus on positives in your summary. Rather than start a sentence with "Although I am not currently working in HR, " I would suggest removing this completely and focusing on the fact you have maintained CIPD membership! As you don't yet have any HR experience you could mention why you want to work in HR. For your Key Skills think about re-ordering them to put relevant skills at the top. Hope this helps a little.

  • In reply to Ruth:

    Hi Jack, I agree with Ruth. Highlight the transferable skills which would be of use in HR. To me, I'd be confused by your CV as to whether you want to work in HR or be a photographer. If it's HR, maybe take the photography skills lower down the list.