Level 5, Unit 1 - Developing Professional Practice


I was wondering if anyone has recently completed the above until and are able to help me?

I'm after a bit of advise and guidance on how my submission should actually look - I'm struggling to get my head round it and any examples of work able to share with me would be so helpful.

I'm studying with ICS.

Many thanks


  • In reply to Maha:


    I dropped you an email last week, not sure if this has come through to you?
  • In reply to Michelle:

    Hi Michelle. Thanks for getting back to me. I am learning with AVADO and I think they do things week by week with a final assessment being due on a certain date. Just really nervous about starting!
    Best wishes,
  • In reply to Fiona Woods:

    Hi Fiona,
    That sounds good, it will help you keep too timelines. I think that is totally normal, I was too. I would say just take the time to work out what works for you, when is the best time for you to study to take in all the information, it took me a while to get into a routine but once you find out what works for you, it is fine.

    Best of luck.
  • In reply to Michelle:

    Hi Michelle,
    Many thanks. I am hoping once the first week is over that I will get into a routine and everything will start to make sense!
    Best wishes,
  • In reply to Gina:

    Hi Rebecca. Where did you find the templates for the PDP and also any advice on how to start an e-portfolio. I've just started L&D Level 5
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    6 Nov, 2018 11:05

    In reply to Fiona Woods:

    Really pleased to see you all supporting one another on this thread :)
  • Hi, I'm just starting Level 5 and so overwhelmed! I've been in HR for a number of years, and away from studying for even longer!! I just don't know where to start. Any tips? I'm studying with ICS, and any guidance on layout would be appreciated.
    Many thanks
  • In reply to Pauline:

    Hi Pauline,
    I am feeling exactly the same so you are not on your own. I am studying with AVADO. Any tips on where to start and how to lay out a word e-profile for Unit 1 assessment would be gratefully received.

    Many thanks,
  • In reply to Fiona Woods:

    Fiona, I have just submitted my unit 1, I’m happy to talk you thru it, email me

  • In reply to Danielle:

    Hi did you find them?
  • In reply to Pauline:

    Don’t panic. Send me your email, I’ll tell you what I know! See reply to Fiona.
  • In reply to Roberta:

    I think I've found the PDP but no idea where to start with an e-portfolio. FTR I've not done a degree all &my vocational study was done 25 years ago so all this is very new to me (Gen X). A rather large learning curve before I can even start to complete and submit anything.
  • In reply to Roberta:

    Thanks! My email is paulinemarchant@hotmail.co.uk
  • In reply to Gina:

    Hi Luigina,
    I've just seen your reply - I'm currently really stuggling with getting my head around the first assignment.
    I wondered if you'd possibly be able to offer any support please?
    Thanks, Sarah
  • In reply to Gina:

    Hi Gina

    I am stuck on the unit - Using information in Human Resources. I have completed the rest of my assignments and passed them all however i have failed this unit on 1 mark therefore i am having to retake it. Any help and advice you could possibly give me would be great.

    Many Thanks
