Level 5, Unit 1 - Developing Professional Practice


I was wondering if anyone has recently completed the above until and are able to help me?

I'm after a bit of advise and guidance on how my submission should actually look - I'm struggling to get my head round it and any examples of work able to share with me would be so helpful.

I'm studying with ICS.

Many thanks


  • In reply to Roberta:

    Hi Roberta, I just finished my Block 1 and need some guidance as how to kick off on the assignments. Can I send you an email please?
  • Hi Rebbecca.
    Reading your post. I think I’m in the very same situation as you were. Assuming you managed to successfully produce the work. Any tips and advice you have would be great.

  • Hi Rebecca,
    I am just starting Level 5 and am about to write my first report. I'm totally lost - can you offer any advice? or examples, i know my content just looking for guidance in structure?!

    Many Thanks
  • In reply to Rebecca:

    HI Becca,

    just reading your posts and i'm starting my first formative report in developing professional practice. I'm totally lost and cant get started! any advice? could you email me :) kjohncock@ets.uk.com

    hope you can help :)

  • In reply to Michelle:

    Hi Michelle,

    I've just started my Level 5 and am totally lost. can you offer any advice? stuck on the first assignment which isn't a good sign and i feel a little silly!! my email is kjohncock@ets.uk.com if you can help at all - would be much appreciated :)

  • In reply to Michelle:

    Hi Michelle - would you mind sending me a private mesaage - for some reason my messages wont load!
  • In reply to Kirsty:

    Hi Kirsty - apolgoes for hte late reply, do you want to send me a direct message? im having an issue sending messages, think it is my internet connection!
  • In reply to Rebecca:

    Hi Rebecca,

    Yes please, my email address is kjohncock@ets.uk.com :) :) :)
  • In reply to Michelle:

    Hi Michelle would you mind to message me too? I have just started and feel lost..... considering I am not from UK and this study approach is absolutely new for me.


  • In reply to Rebecca:

    Hi Michelle - did you recieve my message? i've tried to DM you but it won't send? could you email me at rebecca.white@gateshead.ac.uk
  • In reply to Michelle:

    hi, i am doing cipd level 5 diploma, and feeling a bit confused with the assignment , i was hoping if you can help me in it , like suggestions and examples, thanks
    best wishes
  • In reply to Fiona Woods:

    Hi Fiona - how you getting on? Can you message private message me? i'm on my phone and my format is a little different to a computer!!
  • In reply to Pauline:

    Hi Pauline - how are you getting on, are you able to private message me on here?
  • In reply to Kirsty:

    hi kirsty, ryt now i am exactly in the same position as you were, got my 1 assignment of 5dvp, but really confused about it, was hoping if you could help me in getting some understanding of it,would really appreciate that.
  • In reply to NICOLA:

    Hi Nicola
    I am doing CIPD HR level 5 and my big problem is to write on my own words. I can search for the answers with references but all I can do copy and paste. is the way will make pass level 5 or what I should do?

    if anyone can help me this my email :

    many thanks