Looks like my referencing has lost me marks, particular my websites ....
I've followed the guide from ICS but I'm still struggling to get my head around it, would the below be correct...
I am quoting from Deloitte's website (bold what is directly from website)
Advances in technology can improve overall performance of the business, according to a recent study by Deloitte “the rise of automated and machine controlled workflows have the potential to disrupt HR departments. For instance, machine learning may replace or enhance increasingly complex HR-related tasks while cloud storage can lead to more flexibility”
I feel like it should read Deloitte (2019) or have some kind of date. What if I can't find the date it was published?
Website referencing:
Deloitte https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/de/Documents/strategy/Future-of-Human-Resources-2030-Deloitte-Glimpse-Paper.PDF [accessed 28/03/2019] - does this read correctly?
Sorry I know this is back to basics but my tutor seems to be very strict with the referencing for this assignment compared to my previous submissions!
Thank you :)