CIPD Word Count Policy - Level Three Last Task - 3CO04

Hi All,

I am currently doing my CIPD Level 3 and on the last Assessment which feels like a mammoth task at the moment let me just say that!

What I wondered is, there are a number of references made to the CIPD Word Count Policy at the end of each task and making sure that the tasks are aligned to that.  I haven't been successful in securing a copy of this, its really to see what is counted as part of the "word count" and what is not.  I have previously done a business NVQ and we were advised titles, headings, cover pages and other things were not counted as part of the final word count.  It's tight so any leeway I could get on this would help me.  

Is there anyone in the community that can offer any guidance or a copy of the word count policy.  My centre do not have one available or have not had sight of one.  Are there any lecturers on here that can offer any advice?

Any pointers on the last task as as well for anyone who has passed the Level 3 in the last year I'd welcome them, I'm not employed in HR and I am looking to develop my career in HR.  The interviewing aspect is what I am not looking forward to we have 10 minutes, panel of 2 to ask three questions each to the candidate.

Any comments, suggestions, guidance gratefully received from any seasoned pros!

With my best


  • Hi
    The CIPD word count policy is the word count given in the assessment brief +/- 10%. Tables and appendices are not normally included in the word count but check with your tutor
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    11 Apr, 2022 09:24

    Hi - I've checked with the relevant team here at the CIPD and what Jim says is correct. Thumbsup

  • In reply to Johanna:

    Even a broken clocks right twice a day lol
  • In reply to Johanna:

    does the word count include the in text citation example are the words inside the brackets included in the word count (CIPD, 2023)? I thought they were but when I got feedback on my assignment the tutors word count was less than mine, it looked like she hadn't included the in text citations in the word count (the words inside the brackets)! So now I am confused! Thanks