Just about to start my first assignment level 5? Anyone else?


I have this next week off work, spending some time with my children before eldest starts her final A level year, 02nd is waiting to see if she has a college place and boy child (12) starts off on his homeschooling journey......hubbie is doing that and then myself, I am starting my first assignment and currently wondering where to start.  It has been years since I studied (Accountancy exams) so this is somewhat different.

Is anyone else out there about to start their first level 5 assignment and like a study buddy/someone to bounce off etc?


  • HI Sharron,

    I am half way through my level 1 assignment, but struggling too- happy to connect.
    My email is sdcowie@hotmail.com and mobile is 07585033473


  • In reply to Amy:

    Hi Amy, I'm currently doing my level 5 with Avado and have my first assignment, which is "evaluate what it means to be an HR Professional, making reference to the CIPD 2018 Profession Map". I was wondering if you have a template or format of the assignment as I am really struggling to start and can't seem to get my head around how to set it out. Any help would be immensely appreciated my email is niki224@hotmail.com
  • In reply to Amy:

    Hi Amy, I just started my level 5 with Avado this week! How did you find the course being online? I am currently trying to complete my first assessment and feel as though I am struggling at the first step!
  • Hi Sharron I have just started my level 5 this week and I am attempting to start my first assignment this weekend!
  • In reply to Emma:

    Hi Emma, just came across this message, and I am in the exact position you were last October! did you manage to get any help with the 5CHR assignment? I am totally struggling and like you, my tutor is not being helpful at all. If you are able to provide any advise or guidance, I would really appreciate it!