Hi all,
I'm currently studying with ICS Learn and I am stuck on Task 3 - Project Management and Task 4 - Self Assessment.
What projects are good to write about? I can't really think of many that I have been involved in/managed
Hi all,
I'm currently studying with ICS Learn and I am stuck on Task 3 - Project Management and Task 4 - Self Assessment.
What projects are good to write about? I can't really think of many that I have been involved in/managed
In reply to Teresa:
Hi Teresa,In reply to Rasa:
Hi Rasa,In reply to Rasa:
Sorry Rasa, ignore my last post. I hadn't finished it and clicked 'post' accidentally, it then wouldn't let me edit it!
OK, what I was going to say was...
So the project could go something like this - obviously this is all hypothetical, you'll need to think how it's real for you.
This is just a rough outline, it's very difficult to do without having actual information to work from, but hopefully it will give you the stages to think about. Good luck!
In reply to Anita Lockie:
Hi Anita,Visit the main CIPD website
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