Which provider to study online with..?

Hi all 

I’m a newbie to the HR world and am looking for some advice please. As a bit of background, I currently work as a legal secretary within employment law and I’m looking to study the CIPD level 3 diploma alongside this with a view to progressing into a career within HR. 

I work full time so I’ll need the CIPD course to be fully online - can anyone recommend a provider please? 

Any feedback anyone can pass on would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance! 

  • Hi Natasha,

    I've just completed Level 3 with ICS Learn and about to start Level 5.

    It's fully online and there's only a deadline for the whole course rather than for each module so it's flexible - you just need to keep on top of it!

    I found it suited my situation well but there's lots of threads on here about different providers.

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi Natasha,

    I completed my Level 5 with DPG, which was mostly online however I found the face to face workshops really useful as well as the facilitator.

    When it came to putting a colleague through her Level 3 Diploma, I had no hesitation in using them again. I did use another provider for my Level 3 previously however personally I found that DPG were much more user friendly, professional and helpful.

    Thanks and good luck with your studies.

  • In reply to Sarah:

    Hi Sarah

    Thanks for taking time out to reply! To be honest, I’ve read mixed reviews on ICS with people saying there are hidden fees and a clunky website - did you experience this at all?

    I’m finding it hard to decide! ICS are definitely the cheapest I’ve come across.

    Thanks again!

  • In reply to Clare:

    Hi Clare

    Thank you so much for your reply!

    Since I posted, I’ve been doing some research and I did find myself leaning towards DPG. Unfortunately, as much as I know I would find the workshops beneficial, I’m not in a position to be able to attend them. I don’t think they do a fully online option sadly.

    Thanks again for taking time out to respond.

  • In reply to Natasha:

    Hi Natasha,

    I personally haven't found that but I think I came across those reviews too. The only additional fee is your CIPD membership and you'd be expected to pay that whichever provider you go with to be honest. I also paid extra to have my course extended but this was my own fault and I was aware it would be an extra cost. There was plenty of time to complete it, I just came away from it for too long at times!

    Again I find the website OK but I see that on reviews too. There's plenty of material on there to read through for each unit plus access to 2 online textbooks.

    It's whatever works best for you in the end but if you need to know anything else I'm happy to help!

  • In reply to Natasha:

    Hi Tash,

    You have to find the right option for you and I was fortunate in that my company afforded me the days for the workshops however if they hadn't then I would have been in the same boat as you.

    Good luck whoever you go with.

  • In reply to Sarah:

    Thanks so much for your help Sarah! It’s very appreciated.
  • In reply to Clare:

    Thank you Clare :)
  • Hi Natasha,

    Did you end up signing up with ICS? I am about to sign up with them for my Level 5 diploma on Monday.

    I saw those negative reviews too but I've had 6 friends use ICS for their Level 3, Leel 5 and Level 7 and none of them had anything bad to say.

    Looking forward to signing up!

    Good Luck! :)