MA HRM Dissertation topic.

Hi Guys,

Looking for a little bit of advice... 

I'm interested in completing my dissertation into looking at how diversity/inclusion in the workplace impacts on employee well-being and job satisfaction. I'm trying to narrow down my ideas into looking at how this can be done?

Not sure if I am being too specific/general? or if there is a more pressing area?

Can anyone steer me in a direction? - Not sure if this would be really hard to collate information or not?

Any advice would be appreciated.



  • James, why don't you start by telling us what made you pick this area? General interest? Hypothesis that D&I does impact wellbeing? What value would this bring to your organisation?
  • Hi James, are you completing the dissertation for the CIPD Level 7 qualification? If so, some questions you might want to consider would be as follows:

    - Which area(s) of diversity are you examining? A specific area, two or multiple?
    - How are you going to collect the primary data? Are you working in an organisation? Or are you collecting data from a range of employees in various industries?
    - Are you using quantitative or qualitative data as your primary data?
    - How's your literature research on this area?

    Hope that helps.