Help with Interview - NHS HR position

Morning all

I have been out of work for some time now and have an interview for a Senior HR Advisor role within the NHS. I would like advice and insight into the NHS interview techniques as I have not been given a brief of what to expect in the interview but possibly thinking of doing a mini PowerPoint. I'm not entirely sure on the topic, so I would be extremely grateful for any suggestions and tips. Interview on Thursday, so I'm cutting it fine.

Thank you

  • I've not got specific NHS interview experience but STAR is always a good way to structure your answers - Situation, Task, Action, Result.

    Good luck!
  • Hi Amanda, might be worth you reading through the NHS People Plan to understand the direction of travel and priorities for the NHS workforce and consider strong examples you can use aligned to their strategy and values. Good luck
  • The suggestion about reading and mentioning the NHS People Plan is a really good idea - definitely make time to do this. I would also really strongly recommend spending some time reflecting on the current experience of people who work in the NHS - resilience and welbeing are absolutely key!

    Good luck!
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    Thank you Jacqueline
  • In reply to Karen:

    Thank you Karen, great advice.
  • Hi Amanda. I work in the NHS and it's worth remembering that the NHS is made up of lots of different trusts and other organisations so there will be different approaches. I agree with Jacqueline about STAR. What all areas should have in common is a need to test out your knowledge, skills and expererience against the person spec so as many STAR examples as you can think of will help. Many NHS person specs I have seen have a column that indicates how they will test out so that should help your preparation. You mention a powerpoint. Have they asked you to do a presentation? It might be worth checking out with them about what to expect (if you havent already done so) . Good luck!
  • In reply to Gill:

    Hi Gill, Thank you for you advice. I've emailed them to get more information into what to expect in the interview and any preparation needed. I've had no reply back. I've had to search the internet to get a job description and person spec for my role. The PS highlights 3 areas needed for presentation, but I've had no information regarding what exactly to present on. Even though I've had limited information, I do want to go into the interview somewhat prepared, so thought of doing the normal first 90 days power-point.
  • In reply to Robyn:

    Thank you, sound advice, definitely noted.
  • In reply to Amanda:

    Hi Amanda. That sounds a good idea. I am sure you have already done some research the part of the NHS you are being interviewed for so you could think about what some of the specific HR challenges there might be in the current climate and integrate this into the presentation - for example remote working, keeping Covid safe, staffing issues, pay and reward etc. Their website may have some clues there as well as the NHS Employers site. Hope it all goes well.