Just relocated and new here

It’s great to be on the platform. I was the Country Human Resource Director for Baobab for 60 months till I resigned in December to relocate with my family to the Uk this January. I have applied to over 200 companies and it feels really weird back in the employment market because you are in a new country I look forward to an opportunity to share my skills and learn the ropes here. I also hope to get a remote role Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any opportunities
  • Hello Priscilla, I just relocated as well. Having worked for over 12 years it does feel strange being in the market. I wish you the best of luck.

  • Hey,

    I moved from Canada to the UK and have extensive experience in both training and development and HR, but it is becoming discouraging to apply to so many jobs with no return. First time in my professional career that I have had a gap in employment.

    As a result, I understand that I would have to start from scratch (in my case).

    Nevertheless, I am still pursuing my Master's degree in Human Resource Management and completing courses offered by the CIPD.

    Good luck all
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    25 Jan, 2023 16:25

    Hello All... and welcome to this Community! Great to see you all here.

    Not sure whether this might be helpful?

     Job Search Road Map... a free, half-day online workshop for CIPD members 

  • A big source of friction for non-UK HR practitioners seeking roles in the UK is the lack of familiarity with our legal landscape. The CIPD runs an extremely thorough (albeit not cheap) course in Employment Law that I would highly recommend as the starting place for anyone seeking to make the transition into UK-focused HR without having to start from square one.

    Although it can be hard, remember that you have an advantage over many of the rest of us when it comes to roles with an international focus.
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    26 Jan, 2023 09:31

    Hi Priscilla - welcome to the UK and to the CIPD Community!

    One practical thing we'd recommend you do is get involved with CIPD branch activity, it's a great way to meet other CIPD members and of course to network. The branches run many events, some online and some in person. Take a look here for more info: www.cipd.co.uk/.../branches

    We also have a free workshop coming up for CIPD members navigating a job search. Details here: promo.cipd.co.uk/.../