Using an expired passport as proof of ID and right to work

Hi all, 

Does anyone have a view on whether an expired passport (in this case about six weeks expired) is still valid as a form of ID/RTW? Clearly, the person (ok, I admit it, it's me!) wouldn't be able to travel with it, but they are still the same person they were when the passport expired and they don't stop being a UK citizen on the expiry date. Ok, they (I) should get their passport renewed, but I still think it's a valid ID document. Any thoughts please? 

  • In reply to Sharon Lesley:

    As per the government website, expiry passport can be used for DBS on a temporary basis now
  • As this is asking for a view, not what the current practice is, I share my view. I don't think it should be accepted, as technically an individual could have obtained a new citizenship from another country where multiple citizenship is not allowed. The problem is that obviously the "in-date" passport wouldn't necessarily detect this issue...and even renewal might be possible if they are not "busted"? I used to think like pretty much everyone here, but I actually came across with someone in such situation and they were dismissed immediately.
  • A passport has to be valid for consular services to be provided, and that is it's qualifying purpose, beyond that it is not an "identity document", so if used (solely) to identify someone, it's date of expiry is irrelevant. It is for the person accepting it as proof to convince themselves that it (or any other document) identifies the holder, for its valid purpose or simply as a confirmation of who they are.

  • There is a handy checklist on gov.uk (Check if a document allows someone to work in the UK) which asks about a current or expired passport, they (you) might find it worth sharing with the prospective employer.
  • In reply to Olga:


    Can I just jump in and ask where do we stand when it comes to employing EEA nationals that have Pre-Settlement status, but their Passports expired?

    Sorry if question sounds silly. Quite new in this field. I am aware that we can accept British Passport that has recently expired, but we would need some supporting documents, such as birth certificate etc..

    However, still quite confused about EEA nationals with expired passports.
    Thanks all