Insights and views of retaining Millennials

Hello everyone! I'm in the process of completing my final year dissertation on the Retention of Generation Y (Millennials) employees.

If you are aged between 22-40 I would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes of your time to complete my survey and share with your colleagues. I need about 200 so your feedback is much appreciated

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  • Hello everyone,

    I'm in the process of conducting research for my final year dissertation on the retention of Generation Y  (Millennials) and would be grateful for some professional insights and opinions on this topic. 

    To what extent do you believe that the following statement is true: 

    “Millennials view a job as a job and want a future that gears around their needs instead of their employers. If they do not like a position they will move on until they find one that does” - (Bassett, 2008) 

    In such competitive times do you believe organisations are doing enough to retain Millennial workers or do you feel that more should be done? 

    Why do you think organisations are struggling to retain this demographic in particular to any others?

    Please discuss below

    Many Thanks ~ Nabila

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    6 Mar, 2018 13:57

    In reply to Nabila:

    Hi Nabila... I've appended your new post to your earlier thread and link to a survey. Best we keep it all in one place, I think :)
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    6 Mar, 2018 13:59

    In reply to Steve Bridger:

    You also might be interested in this post ;)

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thanks Steve, Im sturggling to gain access to individuals from HR at the moment so figured this would be the best place to post
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    6 Mar, 2018 14:16

    In reply to Nabila:

    That's fine, Nabila. This is an 'open' group, too.
  • In reply to Nabila:

    Hi Nabila,

    I have completed your survey for you. The organisation I currently work for is a SaaS provider, and I recently wrote a blog on 'insights from a millennial'.

    Sorry if this comes across as salesy - it's not my intention! There are some decent statistics in here that I found online that may be able to help you with your dissertation. The blog was well received on relevant LinkedIn sites, and discussed quite widely, so it may have some pointers that you may find useful.


    Good luck with your dissertation!

  • In reply to Natalie:

    Thank you for taking out the time to do so, ill definatly have a look into the blog. Quick question, would you be open to participating in my research via interview
  • In reply to Nabila:

    Hi Nabila,

    Of course, that's not a problem, I'd be happy to discuss my career path. As I'm not from an HR or L&D background, hopefully I can add a bit of variety for you - prior to my current role, I was at Cheltenham Racecourse as a Digital Marketing Executive, and before this, an accountancy firm!
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    6 Mar, 2018 14:32

    In reply to Natalie:

    Hi Natalie... we have pretty strict Community Guidelines, but I'll let this one through!
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks ;) usually I just quietly peruse, but thought I might be able to be helpful on this occasion!
  • In reply to Natalie:

    Great, I'm rather new to the CIPD, so I can only access certain profiles. Would it be possible for you to DM me.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    6 Mar, 2018 14:42

    In reply to Nabila:

    If you'd like, I can put you in touch with one another privately[??]
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    That would be fab, Thank you
  • I have never taken much notice before but I have realised from this post that I am in Generation X - a brilliant demographic to be part of, not to mention sharing the title of a legendary pop band :-)

    I hope you get the 200 responses you require Nabila

    All the best
  • In reply to Cass Clothier:

    Thank you Cass