CIPD Legal Helpline

I have to rely on the above a lot for one off problems but lately they have been much busier than before and I often cannot get through to anyone.  They then offer to call me back which is extremely annoying as I sit in an open plan area and have to go to a meeting room for making and receiving phone calls.  

Can anyone recommend another reasonable quality low cost telephone helpline as I have decided to give up on the above?   

  • DAS

    But you have to ask yourself whether you always need an answer immediately?
  • You can always phone ACAS
  • In reply to Peter Stanway:

    Hi Anka

    Would recommend speaking with your local office of the Engineering Employers Federation  if your organisation even tenuously does anything to do with making physical things. Unless their member services have changed membership will bring you extensive access to all manner of HR ER etc advice information and training.

    Failing that, many Chambers of Commerce offer members similar services, although these obviously vary a lot.

  • In reply to David Perry:

    Thank you, David!

    Actually I don't need an answer immediately, but I have to physically move to a meeting room to make or receive any phone calls that are even vaguely confidential, so being called back means waiting in the room, letting switchboard know where i am and spending my time unproductively while I wait for a call back....
  • In reply to Peter Stanway:

    Thanks, Peter. I have used Acas in the past, but have found that they do not understand my industry and as a result the advisors have often gone off track.
  • In reply to David:

    Thanks, David. Will check this out just in case although sadly I don't think we'll qualify.
  • In reply to Anka:


    I too once worked in an open plan office. I can recall only one time having to go to someone else's office though. All the office staff of course were bound by the same confidentiality needs.

    There was one unexpected positive spin off though. My admin sat a desk or two away from me and gradually built up a working knowledge of employment law, to the extent that sometimes I'd return to the office to be told by her that she'd answered a call from one of our managers and dealt with it - and told me of the details. She was invariably spot on as far as her knowledge & common sense went. She eventually left and obtained a Personnel Management position in the Fire service.
  • In reply to Anka:

    Same as all call centres IMHO