What would make this Community easier for you to use?

Steve Bridger

| 0 Posts

Community Manager

6 Feb, 2019 16:17


We know that the Community platform has not been as stable as we'd have liked since December (which we're continually working to improve)... but looking beyond the technology... we'd welcome your insight to help us identify how we might make your use of this site easier and more useful to you.

In the first instance, please respond to the three questions below by hitting REPLY.

  1. What was the main reason you visited the CIPD Community today?
  2. What information or help needs to be clearer to first-time users of the Community?
  3. What ONE change to the Community would make it easier for you to use?

You can always send comments to me at: s.bridger@cipd.co.uk as well... but comments here are always good (especially as others can 'Like' your posts, which might also give us a sense of 'weight of feeling', etc.)

We're listening.

Thank you for your time 

  • Hi Steve
    1. I was looking for specific information on dismissals under 2 years service;2. I think its already clear and well signposted ;3. I wonder if it would be feasible to hold documents colleagues might refer to in an accessible place, rather than having to private message people.
  • Hi Steve, just one issue for me.Can we please drop all this 'matey' first name stuff and show people's full name.
    When someone asks a question it's often useful to know more about their circumstances and given that many people don't fill in their profile if we have a surname we can at least google them.
  • In reply to Julie:

    This is interesting - I was thinking just the same thing recently. Having a central place where documents might be shared would be a helpful resource, but I can see there might be logistical issues with that.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    7 Feb, 2019 14:02

    In reply to Nina Waters:

    What kind of documents? Policy templates?
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Yes, that kind of thing. I shared an appraisal/investing in staff policy with a number of colleagues from this community recently, but each had to email me separately and I sent it through to them. Where we develop resources that others might find useful, I just wondered if there might be a way of sharing (with the usual caveats about responsibility for the content being 'at risk' to anyone who adopts them).

    I know there are a lot of 'model template' type things you can buy off the shelf, but I find it more useful to see how other people apply things in the context of their organisation - even if our organisations might be very different. Just my two penneth anyway - personally I think the community is brilliant, and I usually pop by most days to stimulate my brain. Thank you for everything you do to make that happen.
  • 1. This is my principle source of professional development and continuous learning. As my post count indicates, I'm on here most days!

    2. It's been far, far too long since I was a first-time user to be sure.

    3. Explaining the difference between "Friends" and "Connected".
  • In reply to Anna:

    I assumed you had dropped your surname!
    Now I know better
  • Hi Steve

    * I visit the CIPD Community Page a couple of times during the week to aid in my continuous learning and to research viewpoints on any work related issues I am working on.

    * Not to hide behind the "Anonymous" posting if lacking confidence with an issue - I absolutely understand the need for some posts to be anonymous due to sensitivity or other reasons - but it is not always relevant to post as Anonymous. Everyone on this Community was a first-time user at some stage.

    * To add as much context to a post as is possible (background, relevant information, possible solutions) and, if possible, to provide an update on how the issue was managed in the end

    * To update their Community Profile

    * I like the idea of links to policy templates, document templates if this was something that could be done down the line

    As I have worked in small teams and stand alone roles, I greatly value the Community and the advice / thought points given on such a wide range of HR related topics, thank you :)

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    8 Feb, 2019 10:12

    In reply to Fionnuala:

    Thank you, Fionnuala - really useful feedback :)
  • Hi Steve

    1.Because it's interesting - I wanted to see what was going on with the threads I'm most interested in and if there were any interesting new threads - there always are!
    2. Forum etiquette - I'm rarely on Facebook or LinkedIn. When I started posting on here I didn't know what the conventions were or what is regarded as good or bad manners.
    3. I can't make the private messaging work. I don't know why. Also, I would like it to be easier to navigate around long threads - if you click on "Last", I would like it to take you to the last post on the thread, not to the top of the last page, which can still be a long way from the point you are trying to get to.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    8 Feb, 2019 21:05

    In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Thanks, Elizabeth Divver. Yes, Robey mentioned this, too. It was also flagged to me by a colleague today and next week I will really try to get my head round it. It's more complicated than it should be.

    Having said that, it is possible for me to allow everyone to be able to PM anyone else - without having to first 'friend' or 'connect'. Would you want this though?
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    I would prefer that to the current set-up, but don’t know what others would like.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    I'd be in favour of an "open contact" default *if* it were also possible to report and/or block unwanted contacts. After all, the form has been sporadically plagued with cunning spam bots.
  • 1. What was the main reason you visited the CIPD Community today?
    Keep up to date with posts I am following and seeing if there are any new ones that interest me.

    2. What information or help needs to be clearer to first-time users of the Community?
    Sticky post outlining the ins and outs (including search), do's and don'ts

    3. What ONE change to the Community would make it easier for you to use?
    Make the messaging system more reliable - many of my extended exchanges have had to be via private e-mail.

  • In reply to Ray:

    What was the main reason you visited the CIPD Community today?
    Like others I have a perpetual (perhaps even morbid!) curiosity about what people may have posted about - intriguing dilemmas and cases. There's always sensible pragmatic advice on here coupled with a grounding in legislation and best practice.

    What information or help needs to be clearer to first-time users of the Community?
    Not to do multiple posts about the same thing? For students - don't post your assignments without having thought it through first. Also (for all users) how to search successfully for previous posts about similar topics.

    What ONE change to the Community would make it easier for you to use?
    I never know whether to reply to the original post or the latest reply! This may say something about my technical competence rather than the Community...