What would make this Community easier for you to use?

Steve Bridger

| 0 Posts

Community Manager

6 Feb, 2019 16:17


We know that the Community platform has not been as stable as we'd have liked since December (which we're continually working to improve)... but looking beyond the technology... we'd welcome your insight to help us identify how we might make your use of this site easier and more useful to you.

In the first instance, please respond to the three questions below by hitting REPLY.

  1. What was the main reason you visited the CIPD Community today?
  2. What information or help needs to be clearer to first-time users of the Community?
  3. What ONE change to the Community would make it easier for you to use?

You can always send comments to me at: s.bridger@cipd.co.uk as well... but comments here are always good (especially as others can 'Like' your posts, which might also give us a sense of 'weight of feeling', etc.)

We're listening.

Thank you for your time 

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    11 Feb, 2019 15:34

    In reply to Helen:

    Helen said:
    I never know whether to reply to the original post or the latest reply! This may say something about my technical competence rather than the Community...

    There is something we can consider doing, Helen - namely, threaded replies (up to a point).

    Thanks for your feedback

  • 1. What was the main reason you visited the CIPD Community today?
    I visit most days to keep up to date with threads I'm interested in
    2. What information or help needs to be clearer to first-time users of the Community?
    How to search previous threads, for students not to post assignment questions without offering any of their own thoughts
    3. What ONE change to the Community would make it easier for you to use?
    I hate the ribbon across the top of the page that remains in place as I scroll down various posts - it's distracting and makes use of the community on a laptop difficult.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    12 Feb, 2019 09:36

    In reply to Emma:

    Thanks, Emma. Re. 3)... what Operating System & browser are you using? That 'banner' can appear on some mobile devices... but I've never seen it on the desktop. If you could email me a screenshot at: s.bridger@cipd.co.uk I will investigate :)
  • Hi Steve
    1. The main reason I visit is because I want to see current thinking and also whether others have experienced the same issues as myself (which they generally have). A very valuable resource.
    2. It's clearer now than when I first used it so change nothing.
    3. I like the idea of a central doc system.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    12 Feb, 2019 12:20

    In reply to Viv :

    Thanks, Viv .
  • Hi Steve,

    What was the main reason you visited the CIPD Community today?
    Its a useful CPD resource - I like seeing what posts people have made, and think about what I would do to then check against peers answers. Adding my own where possible. I have also started threads in the past to check my own thinking and for this reason its invaluable.

    What information or help needs to be clearer to first-time users of the Community?
    Agree with previous comments; provide some guidance when posting to prompt on providing as much detail as possible; even making it smart e.g. in the employment law forum prompt posters to state length of service, whether their company has a policy in place etc.

    What ONE change to the Community would make it easier for you to use?
    Sort the search out. It seems to key word match, which means you may randomly get a one-off, off original topic reply as your first search result. There also probably needs to be a relevancy filter (times move on, seeing something from many years ago probably isn't relevant now). I can see why so many posts start with 'tried search, couldn't find anything'. And (I know you asked for one but) the messages. I've never been able to get it to work.

    Kind regards
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    12 Feb, 2019 15:38

    In reply to Laura Fazackarley:

    Hi Laura... Wave and thank you for the feedback.

    We definitely need to sort out messaging, yes.

    Re the search. It is pretty powerful. There is a filter (right hand side of search results). 


  • It would be helpful if the post summary could include the date of the original post as well as the date the last person responded.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    12 Feb, 2019 16:31

    In reply to Niki:

    Yup. On my list, too Niki.
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    13 Feb, 2019 14:58

    Some great insight so far, thanks everyone, keep the feedback and ideas coming! I see there are plenty of people like me who come along to the community regularly out of curiosity to see what's going on! My favourite place to look for activity is in Latest posts, towards the bottom of the discussion forum page.

  • In reply to Helen:

    Use of the site should not be about or feel to be about technical competence -albeit it sometimes feels that way
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    13 Feb, 2019 17:57

    In reply to Peter Stanway:

    Could you expand, please Peter? If you mean the log in procedure... yes, it's an on-going headache we've got people trying to fix.
  • I learn something every day on this site. Every. Day. It might not often be a piece of law I didn't know about, although sometimes it is. It's usually someone with a different take to me. I'm not stand alone, but I am the most senior in my team and on some topics they haven't got the experience to challenge me. Sometimes in the forums it's just a nuance in implementation, sometimes it's a real difference of opinion but the opportunity for respectful and rational debate is above rubies.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    13 Feb, 2019 18:22

    In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

  • Hi Steve,

    What was the main reason you visited the CIPD Community today?
    The Community is really invaluable, especially being in a standalone role and in the early stages of my HR Career. I like to check in on threads that I am interested in, and also other posts that i may not have had much experience in dealing with...yet. Always good sound knowledgable advice.

    What information or help needs to be clearer to first-time users of the Community?
    Possibly when posting, to provide as much information as possible, and also to search previous threads on the topic beforehand, to avoid repetition. However, no two cases are the same (in my limited experience anyway)...

    What ONE change to the Community would make it easier for you to use?
    As others have suggested, maybe a central document system, would be great idea.

    Kind regards,
