What would make this Community easier for you to use?

Steve Bridger

| 0 Posts

Community Manager

6 Feb, 2019 16:17


We know that the Community platform has not been as stable as we'd have liked since December (which we're continually working to improve)... but looking beyond the technology... we'd welcome your insight to help us identify how we might make your use of this site easier and more useful to you.

In the first instance, please respond to the three questions below by hitting REPLY.

  1. What was the main reason you visited the CIPD Community today?
  2. What information or help needs to be clearer to first-time users of the Community?
  3. What ONE change to the Community would make it easier for you to use?

You can always send comments to me at: s.bridger@cipd.co.uk as well... but comments here are always good (especially as others can 'Like' your posts, which might also give us a sense of 'weight of feeling', etc.)

We're listening.

Thank you for your time 

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    26 Feb, 2019 11:58

    In reply to Adam Russell:

    Thanks, Adam... and yes, no two cases are the same.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Main reason for visiting
    I drop in from time to time to check how others have dealt with common problems/issues that I come across. In a standalone role, it's great to be able to see a range of views/interpretations on a subject. I don't post much directly, but really enjoy being able to read about other's situations and how people would approach them.
    First Time users
    Provide an overview of your organisation and relevant facts such as length of service etc.
    One Change
    Date of original post and date of last post with ability to go straight to that last post - especially useful for long threads where you want to know what the latest post is. I have seen this work on other forums I participate in, and it's really useful to save the time of scrolling through all the posts to get to the latest one only to discover it's just someone saying thanks (which is nice and to be encouraged, but still frustrating if you've had to click through a few pages to get there! Even more so as our work internet connection can be slow at times!)

    I really value the wealth of knowledge contained in these pages, and knowing that if I needed to post, I would get a considered response from different viewpoints is brilliant.
  • 1. What was the main reason you visited the CIPD Community today?
    Looking for input on flexitime/flexible/agile working type schemes and how they are used in practice
    2.What information or help needs to be clearer to first-time users of the Community?
    I'm finding the layout confusing - I've inadvertently replied to individuals instead of the thread as a whole, and find the replies to individual comments not being shown next to the relevant comment confusing.
    3.What ONE change to the Community would make it easier for you to use?
    I'm sure I'll get used to the layout but I like reading a really long thread of answers!
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    27 Feb, 2019 15:20

    In reply to Kerry:

    Great feedback, Kerry - thank you. Re your point about first and last post. Absolutely with you on that one and I have it on my list.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    27 Feb, 2019 15:22

    In reply to Hannah:

    Hi Hannah... we will almost certainly introduce threaded replies soon-ish. Our platform upgrade (December) now allows us to do just this. We need to limit the number of threaded replies because of the 'width' of the 'grey' background area of this page. On the case.
  • I've been a bit an infrequent visitor as of late, looking at how the community has developed seemed like it was going in the right direction, however scratch beneath the surface and I'm left with "what is going on?" Looking at Community Feedback it has become a drop-in centre for all sorts of questions, am I right in thinking that the majority of these posts are by non-members who don't have access to to the relevant sections of the community? Bit cheeky if that is what is happening, maybe time to cull the posts? However, I have just been reading a thread about using agencies, and then found out it had been posted in Employment Law! How is anyone meant to find these discussions if people are that clueless that they can't figure out where to post! To quote the late Dr Ted Johns "Do these people really want to work in HR?!"

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    27 Feb, 2019 16:35

    In reply to Paul:

    Hi Paul - yes, I think you are right. We recognise we have too many groups... and some which are hardly used at all, so we are looking at this at the moment.
  • Hi Steve
    1. To learn from and contribute to the Community
    2. To understand clearly repository of templates and main features of the platform
    3. Perhaps a bubble on each main caption notifying how many new threads since last login - this would ease off browsing

    Kind regards
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Login procedure
    Not knowing who to reply to
    All come to mind