Minutes from Appeal Hearing


We held an appeal recently and the outcome was that the decision from the disciplinary hearing to dismiss the employee stands. 

The employee has now requested a copy of the appeal minutes. Do we have to give it to them?

We don't have anything on our policy that says we have to give them a copy however they have the right to access any info we have on file for them.

My view is that we give them a copy - this will prove it was a fair process etc but my boss says we don't have to give him a copy.

I would be grateful if someone can advise..

  • Hi Selvida

    I would share the minutes.

    If you don't, you will look shifty but as you clearly know, you will have to produce them anyway if the ex-employee makes a data subject access request.

  • As Elizabeth says I always give a copy of notes from any formal meeting, I like to think its saved us a few SARS in the past!
  • The employee is clearly trying to decide whether or not to consult a solicitor regarding the decision to dismiss (or has already consulted a solicitor who has asked for the minutes to decide whether the employee has a case).

    I would tend to hand them over on the "we have nothing to hide" basis. It also buys you time to get their records in order before the inevitable SAR.
  • Hi Selvida
    Would agree with others here, I would supply the minutes, especially as it has ended in dismissal.
  • In reply to Fiona Mary Palmer:

    if it leads to an emploment tribunal they will have to be revealed and an earlier failure will just make you look bad.