Employee Reward

Here in the hospitality sector we try and reward staff as much as we can. However coming up with ideas that are given the go ahead due to funding is mission impossible. 

We recently held Celebrate Service week where we done something nice for employees every day for a week (gave out chocolates, free coffees etc)

We now want to start using our staff fund to reward staff on a monthly basis, but we don't want to blow all our cash in one go, we need to make it last as our staff fund is renewed only once a year. we currently only have a few thousand to play with! 

Any ideas would be much appreciate :) 



  • Hmm, hard to know what to suggest without knowing how many staff or guessing what the logistical difficulties might be. I’m guessing you’re having to arrange rewards for staff working in a number of different sites?

    Have you tried asking the staff themselves for ideas yet? That could be a useful source..
  • Hi Kirsty,

    It might be worth looking at something called Perkbox. They have a recognition platform that allows you to provide a variety of rewards that suit your budget, although there is a platform cost so might not be suitable. I did a system walk through with them and the session did provide me with some ideas for both rewarding and recognising employees.

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    24 Jul, 2018 13:24

    In reply to Natalie Fraser:

    Re Perkbox, are people aware of this...?

  • Get to know their specific interests outside of work. i.e. if one likes theatre.. then Theatre tokens. Or if one likes art house movies.. then arrange for them to see a movie they might like at a non-chain movie theatre. I don;t think perks have to be expensive, it is more about a simple gesture. For example, on International Women's Day, I bought flowers for all the women in the office, arranged them in small vases, added a note of gratitude to the vase and left them on their desks. They loved that idea.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    how to i get access to perkbox?