Stay Interviews


I'm keen for advice on how to implement stay interviews? Does anyone in this forum have experience on this topic?


  • For anyone else who, like me, was wondering what a "stay interview" is:
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    18 Jan, 2022 12:07

    In reply to Robey:

    Sort of a label for the kind of conversations line managers should be having anyway? Or am I being cynical?
  • I’d agree! Seems like a new label for something that already exists, often as part of performance management - or just good day to day old line management…

    So the answer to your question, about when/how to implement this might be ‘as an ongoing and integral part of your line management’.
  • I'd say what's covered in a stay interview can overlap with the kinds of conversations you'd have normally, but I see them as being more targeted - particularly useful when you know there needs to be change and you're seeking more detailed feedback as part of other data you're collecting. Given that performance reviews often focus more on other aspects of an employee's work, there won't always be the chance for a broader conversation. And since many companies conduct them once a year, the timing may not be helpful for why you are wanting the information. Also, with more hybrid/remote working in place, we have to be more intentional about our conversations so I think stay interviews have their place. As far as implementing them, Premila, this looks like a helpful 3-part article from SHRM: www.shrm.org/.../Stay-Interview-How-To.aspx
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    I had a similar thought, Steve, but I think the concept becomes more relevant when organizations reach a certain scale at which this kind of routine communication becomes a strategic question.

    Never having worked in such a monolith, though, I don't think I've got anything else of use to contribute.