Is there a particular forum/sub forum for discussing recruitment assessment tools

Title rather says it all. I thought evidence-based HR seemed the best place to ask.

Full disclosure I work for an assessment tool company and having been initially formed to deal with a particular sector (Fire Service 999 control room operators) we have spent the last 18 months diversifying into other areas like Insurance claims hotlines and Housing defect logging.

I myself have 28 years of experience in recruitment but really am trying to find a place to engage with HR professionals. Both to find out new assessment environments they would find useful but also to understand what really matters to them in terms of how the back end is designed to make your lives easier.

I am well aware this is not a place to sell and that is not why I am here 

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    28 Feb, 2022 10:56

    Hi Ian... and welcome to the Community.

    While you've fully disclosed your context (and thank you for doing so)... I think you may be better advised to start a surveymonkey (or similar) and invite the HR community on LinkedIn to spend 10 minutes to help you.

    My experience here is that we're a little wary of those reaching out in this way. As I say... I do appreciate your openness and am merely suggesting what I think might be a better way.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    I can do - the only issue has tended to be Survey Monkey is a bit one way traffic rather than a discussion but thanks for the suggestion.
    We did do similar when we built an environment for Housing defect logging where we contacted various housing associations and offered them free branding on the version seen by their applicants if they participated in helping us choose the correct fields etc which worked well, but that was for a very defined market segment.
    I will speak to others internally and see what they think - all suggestions are welcome.