Homeworking Policy - what happens if employee moves?

Hi there,

If an employee works from home and moves houses and the new house is deemed unsuitable for homeworking, CIPD states homeworking would be removed and they work in the office.

BUT what was to happen if organisation is completely remote and the new house is not suitable for home working, what do you do then?


  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    12 Oct, 2021 14:45

    Hi Caitlin... and welcome to the Community.

    I'm a bit confused. Can you give us a little more context? What evidence do you have that the "new house is not suitable for homeworking?"

    By the way, these are our Remote working and business continuity FAQs

  • When i've worked in organisations that had completely remote roles, there was always something included in job adverts and contracts around the need to provide a suitable working environment for home working and what this would look like (e.g. sufficient space to accommodate the desk, chair, lockable cabinet provided, high quality broadband connection etc
  • If you can prove that they do not have a suitable place to work effectively then you would ultimately dismiss them following a fair process (I assume contractually they are a home worker). But I am not aware of anyone who has got there yet. You would also as part of that process look at other options.

    And who says its isn't a suitable place to work?
  • If an organisation has chosen to be completely remote it should think through the alternatives. For example, is there another employee close by who may be able (and willing) to provide a shared space? What co-working locations/serviced offices are in the area?
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    13 Oct, 2021 12:22

    In reply to Keith:

    Keith said:
    And who says its isn't a suitable place to work?

    That's what I was wondering, too Keith. 

    I'm very aware that there will be perhaps 10-15% of people who have genuinely had a really hard time WFH during the pandemic - especially those sharing a flat or house.

  • Thanks for all your comments and it was just a hypothetical question.
  • In reply to Caitlin:

    Welcome to the communities

    Just as a matter of professional courtesy its better to say if something is hypothetical up front. That gives people the option of responding or not