In reply to Johanna:
Building on Johanna's excellent suggestion - 'Paratus Futurum'
In reply to Robert James Munro:
Think you know a bit more Latin than me Robert! I googled 'Latin for prepared' on the off-chance it might be a good word!In reply to Robey:
How about Project Exodus - that'll keep them on their toesIn reply to Johanna:
well obviously i meant it in terms of leading them towards the promised land (of upskilling and future readiness) but if they took it to mean something else....In reply to Peter:
Hi Peter
Chairman Mao long ago had his 'Great Leap Forward' the circumstances of which doubtless your organisation wouldn't wish to evoke (even in those if any who might make that connection).
But, putting Mao connections aside, in principle the image seems a good one to me - maybe something like 'QLF' - Quantum Leap Forward - as a project acronym?
Still harking back to the era of the Cultural Revolution in China, the (very successful / dynamic etc) United Steel Companies in our own country once had a similar tradition of assigning catchy acronyms to major redevelopment etc projects - eg the (then) vast new steel melting shop at Templeborough near Rotherham (now an industrial museum) was the outcome of Project SPEAR - Steel Peech Electric Arc Reorganisation.
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