Code name suggestion for L&D Project

Good evening all, my organization is planning to launch an L&D project for reskilling and upscalling employee competencies for future readiness. I have been asked to come up with the project code name, I need help please. any suggestions?
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    16 Sep, 2022 08:40

    Hi Peter - fun one for me as a comms person! How about 'Project Paratus' (I always like alliteration as it's memorable)

    'Latin paratus adjective. meaning: ready, provided, experienced, equipped, fit. compostus adjective. well-arranged, regular, suitable, matching, calm.'
  • In reply to Johanna:

    Building on Johanna's excellent suggestion - 'Paratus Futurum'

  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    16 Sep, 2022 09:19

    In reply to Robert James Munro:

    Think you know a bit more Latin than me Robert! I googled 'Latin for prepared' on the off-chance it might be a good word!

    Another idea might be Project Athena - after the Goddess of intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, battle strategy, handicrafts, and wisdom.
  • Project Fear? XD
  • Welcome to the communities

    When you say a code name - do you mean a name to be used in the preparation stages when you want no one to know about the project - in which case something as far away from T&D as possible probably makes sense.

    I would question however why you would want to keep it a secret and would involve as many people as early as possible and therefore use something that may morph into the future tools name. Future Proof, For for Future etc etc

    Or do you mean a name you will call the project and the tool when you roll it out?
  • In reply to Robey:

    How about Project Exodus - that'll keep them on their toes
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    16 Sep, 2022 11:16

    In reply to Ian:

    you guys... Grin
  • In reply to Johanna:

    well obviously i meant it in terms of leading them towards the promised land (of upskilling and future readiness) but if they took it to mean something else....
  • Is there any reason for giving it some secret(?) code name?
  • Thank you Johanna, sounds like this will work
  • Hi Robey, I am not sure they will approve this
  • hi Keith, just a catchy name for the project
  • not really a secret name, the culture here is the purpose of the project is often used as project name, some time it is a whole long sentence. I just want something different
  • In reply to Peter:

    Hi Peter

    Chairman Mao long ago had his 'Great Leap Forward' the circumstances of which doubtless your organisation wouldn't wish to evoke (even in those if any who might make that connection).

    But, putting Mao connections aside, in principle the image seems a good one to me - maybe something like 'QLF' - Quantum Leap Forward - as a project acronym?

    Still harking back to the era of the Cultural Revolution in China, the (very successful / dynamic etc) United Steel Companies in our own country once had a similar tradition of assigning catchy acronyms to major redevelopment etc projects - eg the (then) vast new steel melting shop at Templeborough near Rotherham (now an industrial museum) was the outcome of Project SPEAR - Steel Peech Electric  Arc Reorganisation.

  • All for memorable names for programmes to brand them and bring them to life...less keen on secret squirrel code names to be truthful.

    I've never got it. Am I missing something serious?

    There is something of an army, war, battle, spy games vibe to it all.

    And I find the use of Latin, Greek or Roman God names a bit exclusive in a world when inclusion is esposed as a key value.