Changing a Holiday Year


Does anyone have any experience with changing a holiday year?

We are planning to change the company holiday year from 01/04/23 - 31/03/24 to the calendar year 01/01/24 - 31/03/24.

Our plan is that on the 01/04/23 to give all employees 9 months annual leave entitlement for the period 01/04/23 – 31/12/23.  Then on 01/01/24 add a new holiday year scheme on our HR Software (PeopleHR) for the period 01/01/24 – 31/12/24 with the employees full year entitlement allowing all unused entitlement to be carried over to the new holiday scheme.

The communication plan still needs to be worked through.

Does anyone have any hints/tips they could share?

Has anyone done this on PeopleHR previously? 



  • Just consult and be prepared to deal with individual circumstances eg someone who is planning a big holiday in 2023
  • Hi Helen

    I have done this a few times - the advice always given was to not create a shorter holiday year but a longer one, so in your example run a holiday period from 1/4/23 - 31/12/24 and pro rata on a 21 month basis.

    Following on from what Peter has said, this better allows staff to manage their holidays.
  • I did this last year. We changed the start of the leave year from 1st Jan to 1st September. We use breathe so I had to calculate the carryover from the old to the new year and make adjustments after the start of the new leave year, luckily we aren't a big company.
    In terms of consultation I wrote to everyone and got them to sign a form to agree to the change. I explained the rationale behind the change (we are busier in winter but people were taking more leave then as they had to use it up). Everyone agreed.