Does anyone have any experience with changing a holiday year?
We are planning to change the company holiday year from 01/04/23 - 31/03/24 to the calendar year 01/01/24 - 31/03/24.
Our plan is that on the 01/04/23 to give all employees 9 months annual leave entitlement for the period 01/04/23 – 31/12/23. Then on 01/01/24 add a new holiday year scheme on our HR Software (PeopleHR) for the period 01/01/24 – 31/12/24 with the employees full year entitlement allowing all unused entitlement to be carried over to the new holiday scheme.
The communication plan still needs to be worked through.
Does anyone have any hints/tips they could share?
Has anyone done this on PeopleHR previously?