
How long is your onboarding process? how long does it take you to add new starters to your systems? I am newly employed and the only HR/ business support person, straight out of university, but with lot's of working experience due to carrier change. the inherited processes are good, but time consuming. it takes me over 40 minutes to add one employee. can anyone give me an insight on how does it take in your company? I'm looking to streamline this lengthy process!
  • Hi Anna, based on my experience an average of 40 minutes isn't that bad! New starters generate a lot of data. You need to enter personal details, bank details, emergency contacts etc. from paper forms where the handwriting is unfamiliar and often not very clear. Also signed copies of the various polices have to be uploaded and you nearly always have to get up from your desk to double check something.

    So unless you have high staff turnover or a big intake of seasonal staff it shouldn't be an issue but then again maybe I'm just an old two-finger typist with bad eyesight.

    Good luck with the new job
  • Hi Anna, welcome to the communities and congratulations on securing your first role. Also slightly inclined to agree with Andrew, 40 minutes doesn't seem too bad although it's good to read you're striving to make improvements. A couple of things which have struck me - as you seem new to your role there would be a learning curve to undergo so over time I think your speed will improve as you gain familiarity with the system. Is there any possibility of designing any paperwork to follow the screen layouts and therefore make inputting quicker? Is there anything which can be started earlier in the recruitment cycle? For example, when doing recruitment some years ago I would create the employment contract once the first interviews had been completed - naturally without the candidate details - but having done that it saved a couple of minutes later on once the offer had been accepted. Does any of this seem feasible? :-)
  • thank you! the turnover is very high as everyone decided to change jobs after the furlough has finished! I do sometimes feel that all I do is enroll new starters! On a positive side, we are able to find new staff, I know that not all businesses are so lucky.
  • In reply to Anna:

    Sounds like you're doing a great job Anna. With this sort of work accuracy is more important than speed and it sounds like you're already more organised than I was. All the best.