Hi all
I'm not sure I'm posting in the right place, but looking for some feedback if possible on what you are finding staff value when starting a new job. I am looking at our exit interviews to see what other organisations are able to offer our leavers, but wondered if anyone had any strong themes that they're finding with staff that you may be able to share with me to feed into our recruitment strategy. I'm think particularly in terms of how hard it is to recruit some roles. I am aware that the market has changed, but there must be many ideas that we just haven't thought of!
I work in education so many of our jobs are term time only, which has always been a real benefit in the past, but it means a lower salary compared to the FTE. We have just advertised a lovely part time role that 5 years ago we would have had 20+ applications, we have just had it close for the second time with one application. In this case I am speak to the school to see whether a different job title may be the way forward.
I'm also trying to think about what barriers may be in place that are stopping people from applying for our roles, is it childcare costs? Is it that a number of our jobs are part time hours and that is just not enough money, do we need to explore more agile opportunities (can be hard for roles that are student facing, but we must be able to think outside the box)
I'm doing a piece of work on long term recruitment strategy at the moment, we are lucky to have some very competitive benefits and there may be longer term ideas we can put in place, but I am also looking for some tips on quick wins that might make our roles more attractive in the short term.
If anyone has made any recent changes that have had a big impact I would be really interested in hearing them.
Thank you!