Hi, couple questions. I am monthly paid and been in my current role for 11 months, everything has been arranged verbally and I have never had a contract or signed anything. I work set hours and have to request holidays, hoilday allowance calculated by number of hours worked etc. I am planning on leaving this role but unsure what notice period I would be required to give. I am unhappy in my current role and don't feel I could causally enquire about notice period as its a small company of just 9 employees. The other question is, what would I put as my reason for leaving my current role, obviously can't put bored/fed-up in current role or unhappy in toxic 2faced environment (I caught my boss whispering about me with another colleague last week and that's the final straw for me). Any jobs I've looked at all ask for a reason in the application, admittedly it can be left blank but I feel I should put in something