

Does anyone here use XpertHR and can you comment on how useful it is?  I work for a small manufacturing organisation with employees mainly in the UK but a few are in the US, Hong Kong, Germany and France.  My employment law knowledge of anything outside the UK is almost non-existant and I've had a demo of XPert HR that I was really impressed with.  But it's expensive. Is it good value for money do you think?  Particularly for overseas issues?

If anyone has any other tips I'd be grateful.  The kind of issues I'm dealing with are sickness in the US - how are we allowed to address this?  Maternity policies etc etc



  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    17 Jun, 2020 09:51

    Hi Jo - there are quite a few previous threads that ask similar questions.

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thanks Steve. Have had a look through. It seems that the price is agreed at being high. If anyone has any experience that supports the cost I'd be interested in their views. Or if there is an alternative for US and European law that isn't so costly!
  • In reply to Jo:

    On the other hand I hear the advice on here is quite good !! ;-)
  • In reply to Jo:

    We use Xpert HR - its very good. Both in terms of general advice and the speed it updates and reacts to situations (such as COVID) More than pays for itself many times over for us.
  • Hi Jo, I use XPertHR and find it extremely helpful. My access was arranged by my employer so i'm not entirely sure of the pricing, but i would recommend.
  • Hi Jo,
    For US issues I would recommend becoming a member of SHRM, its perfect. Also HR360 is very good for the USA and multi-state challenges. I supporting our US business for 6 years and these tools were great - we got HR360 for free through our benefit broker too.