PM magazine login issue

Hi all,

I wondered if anyone else had experienced the following issue when tying to log in to your cipd account / CIPD login on the People management webpage , as you cannot access the magazine unless you are logged into your cipd account . for some reason, after logging into my account, I'm brought straight back to the start page, not logged in and still not able to access the magazine? I appreciate user error may have a part to play here but I'm going crazy trying to log in and access the magazine!

Has anyone else had similar issues? 

  • I tried several times last week but each attempt resulted in me being logged out, so I gave up.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    8 Feb, 2024 08:02

    Hi Ben... I'll ask a colleague whether this is a known 'issue' and to get in touch with you.
  • In reply to Steven :

    Yeh it's frustrating ! Glad to know I'm not the only one .
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve, that'd be great thank you! Much appreciated .
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    8 Feb, 2024 09:43

    In reply to Ben:

    Ben, Steven...

    I've checked in with our Customer Services team who deal with issues like this. They have not seen any particular issue over the last few days. They suggest trying to log in using a different web browser. That ought to work. Apparently, Chrome works best! Might be worth a try?

    If not, please email membershipenquiry@cipd.co.uk and they'll be able to look into this further for you.

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve, thanks for getting back to me so quickly on this, appreciate the response , unfortunately I've tried all sorts, different browsers , different internet settings you name it! Even tried on a whole separate computer but to no avail ! I will email the above and hope they can resolve :).
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    I tried Safari and Firefox, cache and cookies cleared but would still be logged out as soon as I tried to read anything from the magazine.
  • In reply to Steven :

    same here Steven , did all the same things, across all my devices .
  • In reply to Ben:

    Hello Ben. I have had the same issue for the last few months, and across all my devices also. Did you get it resolved in the end? If so, what steps did you take? Thanks.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    29 Oct, 2024 16:03

    In reply to James:

    Hi James - if you've an issue please send a message to the customer services team using the email in my reply to Ben, above.

  • I have a regular issue with logging on to different parts of the site even though I am logged in. It's good to know I am not alone and also that it might not like my browser choice, poor Firefox doesn't always get the best from sites which is a shame but I, like you, tend to use different ones for different applications or when I know that might be a problem.

    Personally, I think it is as a result of People Management being run by other people - ie not the CIPD but the publishers of the magazine. I find the site for PM not as smooth and the search functionality poor. I look for an article with the writer name or even the full title from the hard copy magazine and i still can't uncover it.

    I do hope one day there can be some investment to make the user experience across the whole of the suite of CIPD resources more seamless.

    I have sent my feedback through to the CIPD service on email and mentioned it so hopefully the more people who mention this the more likely it will get fixed in the future.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thanks Steve. I did - and spoke to them on the phone. 14 days ago. And it still hasn’t been resolved. What is the best channel to get this escalated through?
  • I didn't have this issue until today and I remembered I'd seen your post about it. Frustrating! I take it you're still encountering the same problem - or was the customer service team able to help?
  • In reply to Sarah:

    By coincidence, I tried today but still no improvement, email sent to membership services who say "We aim to respond to you within 5 working days".
  • In reply to James:

    What a poor experience with the CIPD.

    It took 3.5 week for the issue to resolved, including me having to push back on several occasions. As mentioned by Sharon above, this primarily stems from the fact the website is not managed by the CIPD themselves - so each interaction with Membership Enquiries has to be relayed back to the IT Team, and visa versa.

    The IT team tried to lay blame on a Safari browser privacy setting to stop websites tracking you (Prevent Cross-Site Tracking) - without a thought for the ethical questions this raises as to why it is mandatory to allow the PM website to track you if you wish to access content. However, my issue was across multiple devices - including Windows computers. Furthermore the individual assisting me at Membership Enquiries also replicated the issue on their computer. Without any intervention from me, these started to work after the IT team responded blaming a Safari setting. So there was obviously an issue at PMs end, but they would not acknowledge this and tried to blame the end user instead!

    The experience has definitely left a bad taste in the mouth.