PM magazine login issue

Hi all,

I wondered if anyone else had experienced the following issue when tying to log in to your cipd account / CIPD login on the People management webpage , as you cannot access the magazine unless you are logged into your cipd account . for some reason, after logging into my account, I'm brought straight back to the start page, not logged in and still not able to access the magazine? I appreciate user error may have a part to play here but I'm going crazy trying to log in and access the magazine!

Has anyone else had similar issues? 

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    6 Dec, 2024 07:38

    In reply to James:

    Sorry to hear that, James. I'll flag this up line management here at CIPD.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    I have an issue I've never had before - clicking onto the links in the PM Daily emails. It tells me I need to log in, I try to do so, it says success them immediately says logging out.... and round and round.... can anyone advise at all? Thanks
  • In reply to Annabel:

    My problem has been promoted to the database team, if I have any luck I will post the solution.

    My suggestion is to email the membership team and describe your issues - membershipenquiry@cipd.co.uk
  • In reply to Steven :

    The solution from the CIPD team is

    "Please enable third-party cookies’ in your browser. This requires adjusting your browser settings by turning off the ‘Prevent Cross-Site Tracking option' and then try and access the content again.

    Please preferably use Google Chrome and confirm the the browser version (you can find this in the settings of the browser, this will then allow you to confirm whether the 'Third-part cookies' setting is blocked"

    I do not intent to reduce my privacy settings in order to look at PM magazine so I will have to live without access but maybe others are happy to allow cookies to track them across different sites in which case try the above suggestions and hopefully these will work.

  • In reply to Steven :

    Ahh the Google Chrome browser recommendation. That's good to know. It's a shame it doesn't work well on firefox which is my go to but it explains a lot of things. Thank you.
  • In reply to Sharon:

    Sharon, Firefox will block tracking automatically but you can turn it off for specific sites. FireFox - Settings - Privacy & Security. At the top of the page is 'Enhanced Tracking Protection' and a box called 'Manage Exceptions'. Here you can specify a site which will allow for tracking.

    The downside is all the different cookies from the CIPD, Google, YouTube etc will now be able to track you but it might give you access to PM magazine.
  • In reply to Steven :

    Thanks Steven. I love firefox and the protection it gives me and I am also happy to use other browsers where I know they respond better for different things. I'm happy to add P to the list. I'd love for better search functionality across the PM site but guess that's to do with who runs that and how it does or does not integrate and investment priorities.