Providing feedback for unsuccessful interview candidates

Hi all, I want to start providing feedback for unsuccessful candidates as I think it’s good practice and is good for the company’s brand. Can anyone advise on best practice with this? Obviously I don’t want to be overly specific but I would like to provide feedback which is helpful. Many thanks
  • Welcome to the communities

    Interested that you don't want to be overly specific but you do want to be helpful? Are these two things that compatible? Surely the less specific you are the less helpful?

    I am not convinced this is necessarily good for the company brand in the way you anticipate but thats a personal judgement.
  • I was not successful in a job interview a few years ago, and the Chief Executive took the time to call me to tell me herself. She gave me a few points where she felt I was strong, and explained the reason for the decision to go with another candidate.

    It took her about five minutes, and made an enormously positive impression on me. I would support that charity in the future - both because I learned a lot about them during the interview process and because the care they took of me as a candidate reflected (I believe) the care they take of their beneficiaries.

    If you have faith in the person doing the interviews to be able to handle that kind of feedback call, I think that's the best way that you can actually give feedback in a way that supports your company's reputation.