Disciplinary v Capability

We have a Manager that has been extravagant with expenses (team events) and has been made aware in the past but nothing in writing or formal.  We have an expenses policy that we can refer to.
Also there has been recent general poor behaviour, performance which has given his manager cause for concern. The employee requested a 360 review which they didn’t like some of the feedback and suggested it was a which hunt. There has also been some negative client feedback. When their manager spoke to them about this as part of their 360 feedback they pointed fingers in every direction other than to themselves.
We have a disciplinary and capability process.  Would the expense fall under Disciplinary and the performance and behaviour fall under the Capability and will we have to run them separately?  I've only ever been involved in low level probation issues so any guidance, advice would be much appreciated.
Many thanks
  • Is it either at the moment?

    Or is it rather a manager sitting down with them and being very explicit on a number of issues that they are unhappy with and laying out the areas for improvement plus what ever support they are going to put in place. If they then don't improve it might switch to your formal policy (almost certainly conduct)

    Who ever signs off the expenses doesnt have to..

    How long has this person worked for you 

    Peter wrote this piece some time ago which you might find useful 

  • In reply to Keith:

    Hi Keith

    They have been with the company quite a few years.... definitely over 2 years

    I was thinking of suggesting that the manager speaks with them informally first and if it carries on then they would go more formal.

    I will take a look at the link thank you.
  • In reply to Elizabeth Frank:

    The manager doesn't need to 'speak' to them. You've already said thats happened before and nothing changed. The manager appears in need of clear instructions on how to give clear unambiguous targets to his subordinate. IE. "List Jeffery, about the accounts business. I'm making it clear that if you go over your expenses without prior agreement from me then I will consider it a disability matter". Telling someone they are not happy with something isn't the same!!

    Discliplinary = someone knows what to do/how to do it but doesn't.
    Capability = Someone knows what to do/how to do it but can't.