How much time is reasonable to give our Employee Forum Representatives to carry out their duties?

Hi all

We are an organisatio of around 500 people and we have a low TU representation so we have decided to implement an Employee Forum. We will have meetings bi-monthly and they will be Chaired by our executive directors. We wont be consulting with them with a big C but they will be involved in key projects, policy development, ways of working, change etc.

How much time is seen as reasonable to carry out duties? What are in other organisations Terms and Conditions? Any help and advice on this would be really appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards


  • Hi Rebecca

    It entirely depends on how much you are asking them to do.

    How long is the exec meeting expected to last? Will they be required to travel to and from the meeting or is it in there place of work? How many people will each representative be required to engage with prior to and after the meeting? You may then need to multiply this number of hours by the number of working groups each will be participating in.

    My key recommendation would be that whatever number you come to, you allocate this per month and not per week as you will certainly find there are peaks and troughs in activity.
  • In reply to Caroline:

    Hi Caroline
    The meetings will be bi-monthly, they will be expected to canvass opinions bring ideas and issues etc. review policies etc. and link in with key programmes/projects through the meetings. There will be 2 reps per directorate as we have a number of sites and 40% of staff are homeworkers. We have 4 directorates to 8 in total.

    Thanks for responding.

  • In reply to Rebecca:

    Why don't you wait and bring it up at one of the meetings? Isnt this the sort of thing that needs agreement on both sides?