CIPHR Reference

Hi All, 

We are an international business (170 employees) with offices in the US,UK and EU and growing at a rapid pace. We are looking to implement a HR system to keep up with our growth. CIPHR is currently the running favorite...has anyone had any experience using the system internationally? What are your thoughts? 

The key things we like are the organisation chart function, workflow and automation capability along with the reporting function.  

Has anyone had any problems with it? Anything we should look out for? 

Your feedback would be much appreciated!



  • Hi Jennifer,
    It was a while ago now (5 years) but I worked at a company with CIPHR and I upgraded it to the SaaS version, along with adding ESS and MSS, for a global NFP organisation. There were a lot of complications along the way, especially with some of the countries, but I think a lot of it was more due to the country and the company, rather than the system. I found the system easy to use, and the support was always very good. If you want to chat more feel free to connect with me (either here or on LinkedIn) and I'd be happy to share my experiences (and I may know a few other people still using it).
  • Hi Jennifer

    My previous company (500 staff) moved to using CIPHR a few years ago, I was part of the project team for this, as well as the principal ongoing user of the system.

    Our company had offices in Ireland, UK and US and we used CIPHR to cover all these regions.

    CIPHR manages the uploading of all existing data, I had to collate this in an excel sheet and then they did a mass upload overnight. If there were any other mass uploads to be updated to the system (pay updates etc), this could also be automated.

    As far as the reporting function, I found it really good. There were the standard reports built in, but we bought the "Report Manager" bolt-on which allowed me to create a whole range of bespoke reports for all the main reporting requirements. There was also a very easy to use reporting wizard that brought you step by step through the process for building reports. I also used the org chart function too, and this was very user friendly. There are also automated reminders that can be set up for training, probation's, disciplinary warnings etc and this was very helpful. There was also functionality for it to link into payroll systems, we did not implement this.

    You have to purchase licences for new users, which can be expensive, so worth planning out who exactly would need access to the system.
    Also you buy individual record licences for each record, as far as I remember these come in blocks of 250.

    CIPHR provided training at their offices just outside London as part of the implementation package and that was really helpful, as it is done in a workshop setting with a tutor and approx 12 attendees, you also have your PC to go through the practice exercises on their "dummy" system. There are a number of modules covered and yo have the freedom to pick and choose what training modules you would like to attend.

    Hope that helps
  • Hi Jennifer
    We are an SME of c 65 mainly in the UK but with 5 in Australia, we inherited Ciphr from the bigger company (300+ employees) from which we emerged some 8 years ago. We moved from on premise to SaaS 3 years ago and I'm now conducting a review into alternatives as our 3 year term expires in March, and at present I believe are other services more suited to our budget and requirements. I'm looking to move to online on-boarding, document management, e-signature etc and the usual response is that these can be offered but that every element requires a one-off configuration fee plus an ongoing uplift to our annual premium.

    However, on the plus side I have to say that their service desk is excellent, very responsive and helpful, and Ciphr may well be a good option for a larger company.