Appraisal Process Feedback from employees & managers


I re-launched the appraisal scheme back in May and was wondering the best way to obtain feedback from Managers and employees of how the process went before the mid cycle review is due in November. 

I was thinking of doing a quick Manger and employee survey monkey so that if tweaks are needed before the next full appraisal cycle we have time to discuss further an implement if needed. 

I have never been involved in implementing a new process so feedback will help to see if the new process has improved their experience or not and whether any further training/guidance is required.

Manager questions would be:-

  • Which sections of the employee appraisal process were most helpful?
  • Which sections of the employee appraisal process were the most challenging?
  • Would you make any changes to the self-assessment section? Is so what would they be any why?
  • How comfortable did they feel carrying out appraisals with their employees? Rate from 1 – 5
  • What specifically were their challenges in having these conversations?
  • Please can you rate the appraisal guidance and communication from 1 to 5
  • Please can you rate the appraisal process online usability from 1 to 5
  • Any further comments on the appraisal process?

Employee questions would be:-

  • What do they like or dislike about the appraisal process?
  • What value do they find in the appraisal process?
  • What would make it more valuable for them?
  • Would you make any changes to the self-assessment section? Is so what would they be any why?
  • Please can you rate the appraisal guidance and communication from 1 to 5
  • Please can you rate the appraisal process online usability from 1 to 5
  • Any further comments on the appraisal process?

Is there anything missing or is there anything you would avoid asking from the above.

Many thanks for your guidance/advice.


  • The managers will love the extra paper work! (not)

    I don't know much about the company but I'd simply seek out and chat to a few managers you have a good relationship with in the hope that they can be honest enough to tell you what you want to know with out sending them questionaires which, because they are focused on certain specifics won't necessarily tell you everything you want to know.

    I'm also wondering whether this was launched with the co-operation and input of the managers? If not you may not like what you hear anyway.

    Anyway all you need really ask is:-
    What is the most useful aspect of the appraisal process
    What is the least useful aspect of the appraisal process
    If anything what would you change and why?

    The answers may well cover issues you've not thought about as they are purposely broad which you may miss by asking too focussed questions.
  • In reply to David Perry:

    Thank you David, I have had brief conversations, was thinking that the survey wouldn't be mandatory so they can answer if they wish which I would mention
  • In reply to Elizabeth Frank:


    roughly how many managers to do you have in all?
  • Personally I would wait till after the mid cycle review.

    Then probably follow a similar process as David suggests
  • In reply to David Perry:

    24 managers in total.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Will do, thank you all for your guidance. Fingers crossed they liked my revamp of the process :-)