CIPD Level 5 HRM vs Level 5 HR Consultant/Partner

Hello All!

I am extremely keen to get cracking on my Level 5 CIPD and so is my organisation.

I assumed I would be signing up to a Level 5 Human Resource Management. But when researching with the organisation it seems that there is now another option, Level 5 HR Consultant/Partner.

I was hoping someone would be able to highlight the difference between the two as I would like to complete a Level 5 course that will be of most benefit to me and I would love to know the key similarities and differences between the two course.

Also it may be a silly questions but is there a difference in Accreditation, in terms of diploma and certificate?

  • Hi Martha
    I had not heard of the HR Partner/consultant course so Googled it. I found this link from July 2018 post on here -www.cipd.co.uk/.../304936

    You may want to have a read. It appears to be an apprenticeship course?  There is an email address and phone number for a trainer so you could call them to get.more information?


  • Havent heard of the Level 5 Consultant/Partner. However I have fairly recently completed the Level 5 Certificate and can advise that it is a few modules less than the diploma (1 core and a few optional ones).
  • Hi,

    I hadn't heard of the consultant/partner before your post however after a bit of research I can see that it is an apprenticeship.

    I have recently finished my CIPD L3, some of the people on my course were doing it as an apprenticeship and struggled with the workload that the apprenticeship required aswell as normal study for the level 3.

    Going from what I know from them I will definitely be recommending to my employer that I just do the level 5, not the apprenticeship!