Leadership Questions for Competency Interview

Can someone give me an example of a leadership question including E&D, fairness etc?

  • It will help, Joanne, to articulate clearly what you're trying to find out. Assuming you mean a question regarding how a candidate showed leadership in a situation of this nature, I would probably frame it as follows:

    Think of an occasion when you were responsible for resolving a dispute involving a question of fairness. Explain how you showed leadership in this resolution.

    The answer should tell you a lot of things:

    1. If they have been involved in resolving such a dispute.
    2. What they consider to constitute "involving fairness".
    3. How they went about the resolution.
    4. What they consider to be "leadership".
    5. How they exercise their interpretation of leadership.

    The question is specific enough that candidates are unlikely to be able to trot out a prepared answer and some will be entirely floored by it. The ones who are able to give a coherent answer are likely to be the good ones, and by assessing the answers you'll get a good idea of how well they are likely to align with your organization's leadership and fairness cultures.
  • Joanne

    I'm just curious as to how, if you were presented with a list of 'leadership' questions, how will you asses the answers in terms of their meeting - or not - any particular competency you are trying to assess?

    Where particularly are you getting your competencies from? Or are you/your company deciding what these are and making your own standards?
  • In reply to Robey:
