HR Report


I have to write a report for the board for the HR department and don't know where to start with this.  I would appreciate it if anyone would be able to guide me or are aware of any templates I could use.

Thanks in advance


  • Clair
    Can you find out what the board want you to tell them? I mean in terms of training, impact of legislation, whether recruitment is OK, staff turn over and so on. There isn't much use in telling them things that they are not interested in (unless they might be of course).

    My first port of call would be asking my own line-manager first
  • Ask your chief exec's PA - they should be able to provide you with a template of the standard format that reports from other teams use.
  • HI Clair
    In my HR reports I always include, turnover, recruitment costs, leavers and new starts what departments they are in. Anything raised in exit interviews that they should know about. Disciplinary meetings and outcomes, long term sick, temps used and cost. Leaving out personal details where necessary. I would also add in any HR projects that I am currently working on and also any changes to legislation that might affect the Company and were we would need to amend policy etc.