CIPD Profession Map (2013)

Dear all, not sure this was the right place to post my question but I will give it a go.

I'm enrolled in the Intermediate HRM course with ICS.

I'm analysing the Cipd Professional MAP. While I have an overall understanding of the it, professional areas, behaviours and the bands of competency, it is a bit more difficult to understand and explain the core areas: 

Insight strategy and solutions and Leading HR. 

It looks to me that the capabilities on all the 8 external areas lead to the core one.. or is it the opposite?

I would greatly appreciate if someone could explain.

Thanks in advance


  • Hi Vera

    As I read it the 8 professional areas are about specific technical knowledge and skills in these particular areas; the 2 core professional areas are to me transversal areas of professional competence that should be applied in ALL of the professioanl 8 areas, I see "Insights" about ensuring that you have sufficient information and understanding of your company's context to be able to undertake your work in a way that is relevent to the company's specific situation, and "Leading HR" as working by example and encouraging others to porimise their own contributions.

    Hope this helps

  • In reply to Ray:

    Dear Ray, thank you so much! You've explained beautifully!

  • In reply to Ray:

    Sorry for the typos
    sometimes the fingers are faster than the brain (and there are days when I think mine is slowing down) !