Zero Hours Contracts

Hi All,

Looking for a little help.

We are being a little more flexible in our approach and have an individual who is semi retired who is seeking to work, as and when required, and this would also fit into the current work we have planned. Therefore we are proposing a Zero Hours Contract and therefore need to draft a UK - Zero Hours Contract. 

Has anyone a contract they would be willing to share please. 

My direct e-mail is sean.connell@tli.ie (NB i do cover the UK) 

Thanks in advance 


  • Hi Sean

    Have always thought this a most cogent and useful guide


    - if it is decidedly casual / as and when you need to make it abundantly clear that no contract of employment exists between each spell of casual work and if a former employee that at least ideally two weeks have passed since that employment ended and that this offer of casual work as and when it might arise has nothing whatsoever to do with any previous employment as regards continuous service etc.
  • Hi Sean

    I did try to send a reply over the weekend but it was refused saying it had gone for moderation and see it hasnt appeared at all so am repeating as best I can.

    This is one of the best guides I've come across:


    If it's an ex employee, you must ensure a clear and complete break in t and c and continuous service (two weeks it least plus the express wording that there is no global or umbrella contract attached to the envisaged casual work possibly becoming available and that no previous service counts as continuous.